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Thursday 19 March 2015
A Five Year Old Girl Taught Her Father A Surprising Lesson: A must Read Story....

A Five Year Old Girl Taught Her Father A Surprising Lesson: A must Read Story....

What You Need To Put Your Life In Order

On one faithful Thursday, an Imam was struggling to prepare his Friday sermon and didn't want to be
The Prophet (SAW) Mosque
disturbed by his five year old daughter, so he removed a map of the world from his study, tore it into pieces and gave it to her to assemble with the promise that he would answer all her questions and play with her when she was done. He knew she would never be able to fix it.

To his amazement, in less than five minutes, she returned to him in his study with the map in perfect shape, every continent and every country in its place. The surprised father asked, ''Honey, you don't know anything about geography, so how did you fix the world so easily and quickly? The five year old girl smiled sweetly and replied, ''The picture of of THE HOLY QU'R' AN and the inscription LA ILLAHA ILLALLAHA MUHAMMADU ROSULULLAH was at back of the map and I knew that if ALLAH, His MESSENGER and QUR'AN are put in the right place, the whole world would be in perfect shape'.

That was just the right inspiration he needed for his sermon. He thanked his daughter and prepared a powerful sermon on the subject: "Fix Your World By Placing ALLAH, His MESSENGER and the QUR'AN in the Right Place in your heart ".

To whoever is reading this message, just place ALLAH, His MESSENGER and QUR'AN in the rightful place and your life will be in order.

I hope you understand this just like I do. Share and spread it to the world, let them know that THEIR WORLD CAN NOT BE COMPLETELY FIXED WITHOUT ALLAH and His MESSENGER

Thursday 29 January 2015
Controlling Our Emotions As Muslimahs

Controlling Our Emotions As Muslimahs

Embrace Your Emotions, Control Your Actions

Fact: Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) made women sensitive and emotional by nature.   Whether we like it or not or choose to admit it, a woman can go through so many intense emotional highs and lows in one day that by the day’s end she is left feeling weary and mentally drained because every emotion we experience has a physical and psychological reaction. 
How do we deal with this?

Well, I’ve come up with a little acronym that just might help us in shaa Allaah; R.A.C.E

Recognize Your Emotions
Whenever we get emotional, pause and recognize that this is who we are by nature.  Beware! The simplest event may trigger an emotional biological response that will cause our mood to involuntarily and spontaneously transform!  It may be a whisper from the shayateen, hearing an idle or disrespectful comment, receiving a confusing email or dealing with someone who has a bad attitude and loves confrontation on a daily basis.  Practicing awareness of the source of these changes in emotion will allow us to respond a way that Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) loves.

Accept Your Emotions 
Simply accept and acknowledge the fact that this is the way our Creator and Master Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) designed us.  Our emotions make us beautiful, nurturing, caring and sensitive human beings. 
They make us intuitive, loving wives, mothers and friends.  However, we must also accept that emotions are our test.  For instance, it’s very important to learn how to recognize, accept and deal with jealousy, especially in a polygamous marriage.  How deeply and intensely we love our husbands should pale in comparison to our love and devotion to Al Noor (The Light).

It may help us as women to remember this hadith.  While it may be hard to accept because we love to love with deepest devotion, our beloved Prophet (PBUH ) cautions us with good reason to love in moderation: Allah’s Messenger (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:“Love the one whom you love to a certain degree (moderately), perhaps one day he will be someone for whom you have hatred, and hate the one for whom you have hatred to a certain degree (moderately), perhaps one day he will be one whom you love.” –  Hadith – at-Tirmidhee (no. 1997) .

Conversely, all of our reckless and undying love should only be toward Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala),  Al-Wadud (The Loving One):
“Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Verily, my Salât (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allâh, the Lord of the ‘Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).”” –  Al-An’am (6):162

Control Your Emotions!
We may not be able to control how we feel, but we can certainly control our actions and what rolls off our tongue; our speech.  Al-hamdu lillaah, we will not be held accountable for our thoughts.   Does anyone doubt the wisdom of Al Hakim (The Perfectly Wise)? He knew what thoughts would go through our minds and what we would love to do and say to that sister with the attitude that annoys us.  However, we will be held accountable for our deeds.  This is a serious matter, especially for women, and applies not only to anger and jealousy, but gossip and back-biting as well.

Embrace Your Emotions
This is my personal jihad.  Which of us loves being overly emotional?  Welling up with tears for no apparent reason sometimes.  Feeling hurt and neglected by those we love, even though you may have spoken to them just a day ago. Getting so angry that the veins on our neck pop up? It’s no picnic!
Personally, I’m annoyed at myself for not being able to stay angry for a long time, even though I may have every right to be. It took me a long time to realize that when I get upset, I express my opinion and then I go quiet. But when I get really angry I can’t even form a sentence, can’t even utter a word. Mouth traps shut. Ma shaa Allaah.

Rather, I distance myself from the situation and wait until the anger subsides and I can think clearly again, before anything comes out of my mouth.
This is surely a mercy from Allah (SWT), because He knows that the kind of haraam speech that would come spewing forth from my lips would make me go into a 21 day fast to make tauba for deliverance from sure hell fire! Allahu alam!

Now, I recognize that this is part of my nature, and I have learned to embrace it and deal with it accordingly.  May Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) help us all to find ways to deal with our emotions.
 Remember as Muslimahs we need to be like an Oreo cookie.  The entire cookie is good, but the inside is soft and sweet, while the outside is a little tougher and not that easy to break.  In other words we need to develop a thicker skin so that we don’t let anything get to us inwardly to the point where it would cause us to outwardly sin.

‘O Allaah, You are my Lord, none has the right to be worshipped except You, You created me and I am Your servant and I abide to Your covenant and promise as best I can, I take refuge in You from the evil of which I committed.  I acknowledge Your favour upon me and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for verily none can forgive sin except You.’ – Sayyid ul Istigfar.

I hope this little article helps. Kindly like and share this article to other muslimahs to benefit. And don't forget to subscribe to our E-mail list on the right side of the site. your comments are highly welcomed. 

Source: originally posted in:

Monday 26 January 2015


The Islamic Online University (IOU) offers the world’s first tuition-free, online Bachelor’s Degree program in Islamic Studies - in English. The syllabus is based on the bachelor’s degree program in Usool ud-Deen (Religious Foundations) of Madeenah University, Saudi Arabia, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, Al-Azhar University, Egypt and other similar reputable Islamic institutions.

Spring 2015 semester will start in March in sha Allah!

HURRY UP!! VISIT: To Register

For any queries, email us at

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I Recommend you to read the Following articles:
A Brief Information About Islamic Online University (IOU)

A Brief Information About Islamic Online University (IOU)


The Islamic Online University (IOU) is the brainchild of Dr. Bilal Philips. He envisioned an institution that would offer online intensive, undergraduate, and graduate courses in Islamic Studies completely tuition-free.

Dr. Bilal Philips, Founder and Chancelor, Islamic Online University 

IOU was launched in 2007 from Qatar with an offering of completely free diploma courses.

Alhamdulillah, although we began with 1,500 students in 2007, by the end of 2008, the number of registered students tripled, reaching 4,500. And now, right in the beginning of 2014, Allah has blessed the IOU with a student body of over 150,000 students from over 219 different countries.

In 2010 IOU launched the world’s first tuition-free, online Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies. This path-breaking initiative utilizes the worldwide presence of the Internet and advanced open source online learning technology to bring low-cost, university level Islamic education within reach of anyone on the planet who has access to a computer and the Internet.

Thus IOU now has two separate virtual campuses: the degree campus and the diploma campus. Each campus is hosted on its own dedicated server.

In 2014, IOU has been granted operational license in The Gambia and introduced four new departments: Department of Education, Department of Islamic Economics, Banking & Finance, Department of Psychology, and Department of Arabic Language and Linguistics.

For more information Visit: 

Dear reader please don't forget to share this article to your friends on Facebook, twitter and other social media. Thank you..
Friday 23 January 2015
The Prophet’s Way of Correcting People’s Mistakes

The Prophet’s Way of Correcting People’s Mistakes

Emulating the prophet's life is the best way to defend his honour

We live in an age where judging others has become the norm and mocking people for their mistakes has become a huge pastime. While some of us might do it unintentionally, others might fall into this out of ignorance or even arrogance. Callingourselves the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad SAW comes with certain responsibilities. One such responsibility is correcting people’s mistakes.

Quite often in this quest of learning the deen and implementing it in our lives, we become over judgemental of our ownbrothers and sisters. Instead of correcting their mistakes, we pass fatwas, turning them further away from the beauty of this deen. It is important to understand and realize that this deen is easy and beautiful, and correcting people’s mistakes should also be done in a beautiful manner.

“There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern (example) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.”(Surah Al Ahzab 33:21)

We have been blessed with numerous bounties and gifts, which Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala chose to specifically shower us with. He, Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala, gave us a blueprint in life to follow, the Glorious Quran. Additionally, Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala also gave us a guide in Prophet Muhammad SAW, who inculcated this blueprint in his daily activities. Therefore, let us look at how our Prophet SAW used to correct people’s mistakes. Jot down certain specific characters of the Prophet, which you notice, while reading the ahadeeth mentioned below. Do remember to share your thoughts in the comments section in sha Allah.

Compassion and Love:

Anas ibn Maalik radi-allahu-anhu said, “Whilst we were in the mosque with the Messenger of Allah SAW, a Bedouin came and started urinating in the mosque. The Companions said, “Stop it! Stop it!’ But, the Messenger of Allah SAW said, “Do not interrupt him; leave him alone.” So they left him until he had finished urinating, then the Messenger of Allah SAW called him and said to him, “In these mosques, it is not right to do anything like urinating or defecating; they are only for remembering Allah, praying and reading Qur`an, or words to that effect.” Then he commanded a man who was there to bring a bucket of water and throw it over the (urine), and he did so.”(see footnote 2) While correcting the Bedouin and pointing out his mistakes, Prophet Muhammad SAW did not speak rudely to him, tell him off or humiliate him in front of others. Rather, he allowed the man to finish what he was doing, was patient the whole while and made him understand why he was wrong, softening the Bedouin’s heart and cooling the rising tempers of his companions at the same time. How often have we softened others’ hearts with kind words while correcting their mistakes

Understand People:

Narrated Anas radi-allahu-anhu, “While the Prophet SAW was in the house of one of his wives, one of the mothers of the believers sent a meal in a dish. The wife, at whose house the Prophet was, struck the hand of the servant, causing the dish to fall and break. The Prophet SAW gathered the broken pieces of the dish and then started collecting on them the food which had been in the dish and said, “Your mother (my wife) felt jealous.” Then he detained the servant till a (sound) dish was brought from the wife at whose house he was. He gave the sound dish to the wife whose dish had been broken and kept the broken one at the house where it had been broken.”(reference in footnote 3)
This is a very important quality to develop while trying to correct people’s mistakes. More often than not, we tend to push our values and preach excessively without understanding why or what led that person to behave in such a manner. In the aforementioned hadeeth, we learn a mighty lesson. Prophet SAW understood that jealousy run’s in a woman’s mind when she is given a dish prepared by her co-wife. He didn’t chide her for it nor did he yell at her in front of the other companions. He made her replace the broken dish with a new one. The matter was done and over with!
So, the next time you see your siblings do something which is inappropriate, rather than scolding them or scaring them away with harsh words, understand their psychology and get your point across in a polite manner. Winning people’s hearts is the first step towards correcting their mistakes. This is a great way to prevent misunderstandings and clear many misconceptions too!

Grab your ‘dawah moment’:

Anas radi-allahu-anhu reported that a group of the Companions of the Prophet SAW asked the wives of the Prophet SAW about what he did. One of them (those Sahaabah, in an effort to become more religious by neglecting the dunya and increasing acts of i’badah) said, “I will never marry women.” Another said, “I will never eat meat.” Another said, “I will never sleep on a bed.” (When the companions left, the wives reported the incident to the Prophet). The Prophet SAW praised and thanked Allah, then he said, “What is the matter with some people who say such and such? But, as for me, I pray and I sleep, I fast and I break my fast, and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my Sunnah has nothing to do with me.”(see reference 4)
Did you notice how Prophet SAW used a vague description “some” rather than calling names while correcting their mistaken believes? He also made it a moment to teach them that Islam is all about moderation and balance between dunya and akhira. Giving dawah is an obligation upon us Muslims. So, the next time you see someone making a mistake, a sister not fulfilling her duties in wearing the hijab modestly or someone gossiping, instead of shouting “astaghfirullah”, grab your ‘dawah moment’ and let them know what Islam says about certain things. Never directly come to the point of saying, “You’re wrong!”. You’ll close the doors of Islam right there. Stay calm, bring up the topic indirectly, or even speak in an indirect manner to get your point across without taking names or pointing fingers.

Emulate the Prophet’s akhlaq:

Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala has preserved the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW for centuries, so that it could reach us. There is a reason for this. We are supposed to make Prophet Muhammad SAW our role model and emulate him in whatever we do. He used to smile often, so let’s remain chirpy and exude positive energy towards others. He was soft and kind when dealing with laymen and his companions. Let us be soft and kind to our own families and friends. He won people’s hearts with his
character, leading to the rapid spread of Islam, so much so that even his staunchest enemies accepted Islam and died for the cause of Islam!

Let’s see how many hearts we can win over by emulating our Prophet Muhammad SAW, in sha Allah? Maintain a diary. Jot down important points about how: You corrected someone,
If you made use of the Prophet’s principles in doing so,
The kind of outcome you expected, and
The kind of outcome you received.
Add a star to each heart you managed to win, in sha Allah! Let’s see how many hearts we mange to collect. Our Prophet’s personality was like a magnet, attracting people naturally. Let’s see how many people we can attract by correcting their mistakes, the sunnah way, in sha Allah.

 Surah Al Ahzab 33:21
 Saheeh Muslim, Number 285
 Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7, Book 62, Number 152
 Saheeh Muslim, Number 1041

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Originally posted in:



The West African Examination Council (WAEC) has said it will not make an exception to their requirement for passport pictures after some Islamic voices expressed concern over their insistence that Muslim girls need to remove a religious apparel, the hijab, before they could take their photos for registration.

Public Relations Officer of WAEC Agnes Tei Cudjor told Joy News wants to properly identify candidates registering for the exams. According to WAEC, as long as the ear and parts of the forehead can be seen they do not have any problem with a photo.

A directive by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) asking Muslim girls to remove their headscarves or hijab, before taking passport pictures for their Basic Education Certificate Exam (BECE) registration has displeased the Islamic Unit of the Ghana Education Service (GES).

Joy News correspondent Kwame Owusu Peprah has reported that the tussle over religious rights is happening in some basic schools in the Western Region.

The Islamic unit finds the position of the WEAC officials unacceptable, describing it as an attempt to violate their religious freedom.

WEAC's directive is asking that the girls show at least their ears and part of the forehead while taking the passport photos.

Head of the GES’ Islamic unit Alhaji Mohammed Sanni told Joy News “the hijab is part of our Islamic traditions. If you take off the hijab then where lies the Islam?”

He said the Unit has petitioned WAEC over the directive. Alhaji Sanni accused WAEC of  “dilly-dallying” with their petition and warned that the unit would not hesitate to go to court, if their religious rights are disrespected.

Alhaji Said Jallo who is part of an Islamic-based NGO also expressed frustrations at the directive. He was even more displeased that in another school, he claims, the girls were made to re-take the pictures after they took them with the hijab on.

“We want to be obedient to Allah. We are the custodians of these girls. So we say we are not going to allow anybody to trample on our rights.”

Source: Joynews Ghana
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